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Your biggest problem

Here is your chance to get the SOLUTION using LOA to the biggest challenge in your life, totally 100% custom made solution for you. So ponder over this and write back to us on info@brightmiracles.com What is your biggest problem? What is that biggest issue in your life that you want to solve? What is you want in life that will make you life more meaningful and better?

1-1 Coaching

I wish when I started I had someone like this. I won't have had to go through countless books, recordings and trials and errors. Trust me there is nothing like a Live Mentor who can guide you through the process of LOA and manifesting. To avail of 1-1 coaching you could simply log onto Mentor Coaching OR you could email info@brightmiracles.com

Experiences of others

"I can not thank you enough for the coaching session this morning. I was in a really bad state of desperation and attachment and within the one hour, you were able to help me refocus on what it is I wanted in order to manifest that. Thank you so much. I will definitely be signing up for the coaching subscription." Stephanie, USA Read what others are saying


This recording changes it all. No more heart break, no more pain or rejection. This recording will use your own resources that were lying neglected within you, to skyrocket your confidence soaring to new levels. This is a warning: This recording will SKYROCKET YOUR CONFIDENCE TO NEW LIMITS.….. Your own mind will be work for you. This will also skyrocket your manifestations.


Peak Love Feelings Association

Heart break can be a lonely journey. I have seen people stay in it for decades literally like a hamster on a wheel, hoping for a better life but simply can’t get it. It is our inherent need to be loved and cared for. One of the reasons it sometimes seems impossible to get over heart break is the anchoring of Peak Love feelings associated with an ex or somebody you wanted to love.

It’s like pattern which needs Instant Demolition but like a chain it binds, limits people… sucks their life energy out. Trying to create a new relationship from this state only results in yet another heart break.

The biggest problem faced by most people when they are creating their relationship are the past thoughts, disharmony, fear and -vity of past. Even though this moment is new, yet these very emotions drag you down. This recording will help you establish your reign like a True Goddess or a Living Warrior. The new emotions simply chase out every molecule of -vity. You will be amazed at the New Feeling of Triumph, Confidence and Totally amazed how much has changed in your life post listening to this recording.


Alive Sexy Strong Confident

This recording makes releasing the pain literally a breeze and anchoring The Positive self really seamlessly and easy and have purposely called it Alive Sexy Confident Strong, which is Your True Self.

Previously the Peak Love feelings came with the ex.  Now Peak Love Feelings come from WITHIN. So your mind will find it easier to let go of the ex and focus on yourself.  


You now have Access to Your Superstar Feelings

Good news is this recording puts an end to all pain forever in a matter of days.  It makes your mind use YOUR OWN MIND RESOURCES so that they work for you instead of against you. The ONLY thing you have to do is use it over and over again till the time the NEW EMOTIONS come in your awareness.   You will be feeling like a Superstar and every single FEELING WILL BE A REAL ONE as this recording makes you aware of your SUPERSTAR FEELINGS.



You will notice results from the very 1st time of listening. Repeated listening over the next 3 weeks will change the Brain Patterns and make your own Mind work for you. Please note this is far more powerful tool than you imagine it to be.


How to use it:

Close your eyes
Simply follow the recording
If your mind drifts, gently get it back to the recording

You can use it anytime, anywhere. However recommended use is Night Time before sleeping

This recording is Instantly Downloadable. If you are not directed to the download link please email  info@brightmiracles.com

Price $39.99


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