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Your biggest problem

Here is your chance to get the SOLUTION using LOA to the biggest challenge in your life, totally 100% custom made solution for you. So ponder over this and write back to us on info@brightmiracles.com What is your biggest problem? What is that biggest issue in your life that you want to solve? What is you want in life that will make you life more meaningful and better?

1-1 Coaching

I wish when I started I had someone like this. I won't have had to go through countless books, recordings and trials and errors. Trust me there is nothing like a Live Mentor who can guide you through the process of LOA and manifesting. To avail of 1-1 coaching you could simply log onto Mentor Coaching OR you could email info@brightmiracles.com

Experiences of others

"I can not thank you enough for the coaching session this morning. I was in a really bad state of desperation and attachment and within the one hour, you were able to help me refocus on what it is I wanted in order to manifest that. Thank you so much. I will definitely be signing up for the coaching subscription." Stephanie, USA Read what others are saying


Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.”
Alexander Graham Bell

You made your intention to the universe and now its time for manifestation. Often we have this question while consciously practicing the law of attraction. What should I focus on? Should the focus be on a specific person? If I want more money should the focus be on money? If I want more sex, more romance, more love in my life should I focus on more sex, more romance, more love?

There is a very interesting story to describe how this law maybe working.  Once upon a time there was a man who wanted cars. So he asked God to have cars all around him. He became a traffic policeman!  He got exactly what he asked for. He never asked for the experience that cars would give him. In other words this law of focus is always working so be absolutely clear on what you are focusing on.
Let’s talk about romance. Suppose you want to manifest a specific person. Your brain maybe trained to focus only on the person. Guess what is you are going to manifest? Obviously that person. So you may see that person’s picture on your facebook account or see his or her picture somewhere or maybe see him or her walk past you or maybe you will bump into that person at a coffee bar. The law of attraction is working so beautifully. Your focus was the specific person so you are manifesting that person in so many ways. But if you desire arelationship with this person your focus obviously need to change from this person to theexperience of HAVING A RELATIONSHIP. Living the relationship.
In other words NEVER FOCUS on the person, thing or object. Focus on the EXPERIENCE OF HAVING whatever it is. Feel it from your heart.

Same is with money. Let’s say $10000 is what you want and your focus is $10000. Guess what you are going to see $10,000 maybe in figures, maybe on TV or maybe see someone getting that $10,000 or maybe someone will give you that money to keep for sometime or something to do with $10,000 will happen to to you for sure. Guess what the law of attraction is working so perfectly. Your focus was $10,000 so that happened. It never came to because you never focused on the EXPERIENCE OF HAVING THAT $10,000 i.e. what is you would do with that money and how is it that will make you FEEL if you have $10,000.

Same is with romance, sex or anything. For example if you want more sex and your focus is sex. Guess what you maybe attracting sex all over i.e. porn on computers, others telling you about sex or sex in so many forms but no sex experience. Now if your focus is on HAVING WHAT YOU DESIRE guess what you are going to manifest…. the experience of having romance, sex or whatever else.

This is very important. ALWAYS FOCUS on the EXPERIENCE of having whatever it is you want. DO NOT FOCUS on the person, object, thing. The two states are very different. Focusing on object, person, thing increases the desperation, the neediness, the lack, because you end up manifesting exactly what you asked for i.e. what you do not have  i.e. person, place, object or thing in so many places.

Whereas Focusing on HAVING the relationship, experience of having $10000, health or whatever else manifests exactly that the EXPERIENCE OF HAVING THAT. It always makes you feel wonderful and fills your world with inner fulfillment, satisfaction and happiness making you like a shining sun giving radiance of love to others.

Stay positive, be whole and have the consciousness of a child as he learns to ride to bicycle.  Law of attraction can be mastered and is very very easy. Just as any law of science works similarly this law works smoothly.  Remember NOTHING is impossible except what you make impossible.  Impossible is such a beautiful word telling you i-m-possible, I-M-possible, I-M-possible….. Can you hear its sound?

You can also check this out  1-1 Getting Specific Person session  click here


Categories: Inspiration

4 Responses so far.

  1. Elise says:

    Wow! Now that explains why I have not manifested a specific amount I’ve been visualizing for several months. I’ve been seeing it everywhere since last November. On giveaways, books, tv, ads, newspaper, and my husband just got a call yesterday from his brother telling us that he’s been working on a business , and if he succeeded, he might give us that specific amount. I kind of started getting frustrated, and I intensely meditated today for just wealth and that amount again, and I randomly found this article while searching for something else.
    I am so happy now that I know what to do. God bless you for this article.

    Happy manifesting!

  2. Lara says:

    Sorry, I made some mistakes on my comment…

    “I even thought he was stalking me or something but it was actually LOA manifestating him!”

    “Not only LOA but your posts too are changing my life for sure.”

    Mistakes corrected. :p

  3. Lara says:

    Oh my gosh!! This is 100% true! I was just “WOOW” when I read the part where you explain when focusing only on the person, you see that person walk past you!

    I’m in love with a guy in my school for 4 months and he is one of the thousands students at my school that I most see everyday and almost EVERYTIME I’m going out of the bathroom, cantine, bar, library, he is passing there RIGHT at the moment! I even thought he was stalking me or something but he was actually LOA manifestating him! Now everything makes sense. 🙂

    I guess it’s time to change my thoughts and instead of only focusing on him, I’ll have to focus on having a relantionship with him.

    Thank you so much for your wonderful posts! Now only LOA but your posts are changing my life for sure. Please keep up the great posts, the best ones I’ve read so far! ;D

  4. A member of my subreddit http://www.reddit.com/r/lawofattraction posted this, and it is a great article. Some of the best practical LOA advice I have read. I am going to apply these lessons today!

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