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"I can not thank you enough for the coaching session this morning. I was in a really bad state of desperation and attachment and within the one hour, you were able to help me refocus on what it is I wanted in order to manifest that. Thank you so much. I will definitely be signing up for the coaching subscription." Stephanie, USA Read what others are saying

How to attract a Specific Person?

One of the most often asked questions is “Can you attract a specific person using the law of attraction?” The good news is Yes you can absolutely attract a specific person in your life in a relationship you choose and with success.

Love is the most important emotion of all in this entire universe. When it comes to money, jobs, and so many other things people don’t really have that much difficulty in manifesting. In matters of the heart if you don’t get what you want the pain is maximum. The one you love, that specific person, is the most important person for you, and even the entire world cannot substitute for that person. Now I have absolutely great news for you today. Yes, you can attract that specific person you are in love with. So today allow yourself to be absolutely elated and just follow the procedure below.

Desire and Desperation – You need to let go of the desperation

While desire is a sacred energy, an energy of creation, desperation is just the opposite, a destructive energy. When desire is unfulfilled the void is taken over by desperation. While desire is a pure and good energy, desperation is a powerful negative energy. Desire creates those vibes in you to attract, desperation creates just the opposite vibes, to repel. When you fell in love with that special person, the sacred seed of desire was sown in you. Due to whatever reasons when that desire was unfulfilled desperation crept in. So the first step is remove that desperation. Clear all desperation. how do I love myself


How to clear desperation?

The easiest way to clear desperation is to let go. Surrender to the light of divine love of the Universe. Imagine a beautiful light of divine love, a pure radiant love light. Just surrender to that beautiful sparkling light. That light created you, gave you everything that you possess, and that light simply loves you, no matter what you have done so far. That light is forgiving, 100% pure love and powerful enough to create a beautiful reality beyond your wildest imagination. When you fell in love that light was silently telling you what to do, only if you listened. So let go of everything, surrender and start anew. Today submit yourself to that divine light and affirm to yourself you let go, you surrender and you allow that Divine Light to create a bright future, a bright love life for you. You accept the divine will because the divine will make your life far happier than you can imagine.

Once you do this you let go of any attachment to the result. Now the fun part begins.

Creating a beautiful love life

Once you have let go of any attachment to that person, you have given a very powerful and strong signal to the Universe you are now ready for love in your life. If previously your love was one sided now it’s time to create a both sided relationship. You are a super hero in your theater of the mind. Your movie is in your mind and your movie creates your reality. You have 100% control over your imagination and use this wisely to create a reality of your choice.

Now now simply imagine your loved one in love with you. Earlier you were one the one in love now imagine your lover is the one in love with you. “Your loved one loves you”, your desire is fulfilled. How does it feel? Say to yourself as an affirmation 1000’s of times “_______ loves me” See what happens in the next 5-7 days. See the shift in energy. Notice how you would feel. Visualize your lover is in love with you. Keep a tab on the feelings. How does it feel? Go lucid in your mind as you make love to your lover. How does it feel?

If you do the above stop properly you will realize and laugh at yourself, what was I so desperate for? And once you have done it well, your world opens up. You feel more powerful. If you do this properly you will feel like a winner and your world of choices opens you. You will definitely wonder what the big deal about this person that I was putting so much energy on? Why didn’t I just let go before?

Sending Love

While the above techniques were to get you out of your pit of desperate feelings and make you feel like a winner so that positive thoughts and feelings came and made you realize whether you wanted that person because of love or because you wanted to satisfy your ego. In many cases the desperation to get back isn’t because of love but because of a sense of conquest. So now you know in your heart whether you truly love the other person or not. If its love go forward else just allow the Universe to deliver the best vibrational match for you.

Now this is a very important step for those in love

Love – the power behind creation

Understand this. Love is THE most powerful energy in the Universe. With love you can create anything, win anyone’s heart, mind and soul. Every day for at least 10 minutes sit down and send loving thoughts to your loved one. Imagine you already have a relationship with her. Your lover loves you completely. Now what kind of loving thoughts would you send to your lover.

Imagine a pink ball of energy in between your hands in which you see you already have the relationship of your choice. In this ball you can see you and your lover. This ball can only contain pure and good love energy. Note the words, the thoughts, the kind of relationship you both have in this ball. Now let go of the pink ball. Let it flow away in the Universe.

Let go of any attachment. And if you do it right there will be no attachment now because you are already in a field where you can FEEL the feelings of the relationship and loving your lover. In case there are any doubts Affirm to yourself, “I surrender to my divine light”. “I only have love and gratitude for my divine light”.

Remember this very clearly Intention Manifestation can ONLY and ONLY happen when the feelings vibrational level is high. Desperation is like a deep well, it has a -ve vibration. Love and Gratitude have the highest vibration.

If you do this right your emotions at this point of time should be:

1. zero desperation. You will wonder where it has disappeared?

2. extremely happy because you have created a beautiful relationship and seen and felt it so vividly

3. a perfect happy relationship between you and the Universe where you only and only have Thank You’s for the Universe.

Your perfect relationship will manifest in all certainty. 60,000 thoughts a day is your thought karma. If Love and Gratitude is even in 80% of this thought karma you cannot imagine what a beautiful relationship you will create, far beyond your imagination.

Follow what works
One person’s fantasy is another person’s reality. Have you seen a friend or someone you know fall in love with someone and get that person? Were they desperate and needy? Did they have an attitude of a victim that “nothing works for me” or “everything simply works for me just fine”. The attitude you have in a relationship defines the altitude of your relationship. Have an attitude “You are simply the BEST CHOICE anyone can have”. It’s simply an attitude and YOU CAN CHOOSE THAT ATTITUDE THIS MOMENT.

Stop Loading Yourself with Demands
One of the best ways to experience THE MOST AWESOME DYNAMICS IN A RELATIONSHIP is Simply by Loving Yourself. That simple! Loving Yourself works. The Best high is Love. When you love yourself, you will allow yourself to experience awesomeness. You won’t DENY YOURSELF all that you seek. When you load yourself with demands that so and so person HAS to love you in order to you to be happy, you are stressing yourself. You are going against the flow of Universe, in a vibration of dis-trust in the very source that is your provider. You have set conditions that so and so person has love to you in order for you to love yourself. You are doing just the opposite of what you truly want. It’s like you want gold but are filling yourself with garbage thoughts. Whereas Simply Loving Yourself, telling yourself you are doing well, and everything will work just as fine eases the burden you are placing on yourself. You could try it for yourself and see how much ease it makes you feel almost instantly. Choose LOVE MYSELF FIRST as a motto. You can read more on A Course in Loving Yourself here.


Categories: Inspiration

149 Responses so far.

  1. P says:

    Hi, thank you for the post I really enjoyed it. Some people say you can’t attract specific person because they have free will or attracting someone else they want. What if this happens – will it work? Thanks.

  2. Sara says:

    What if the person you are in love with is already in a relationship but you feel absolutely certain that he is “the one”?

  3. Hanah says:

    What if he doesn’t know me?

  4. Aaron says:

    Was just wondering if anybody’s questions actually get answered. I mean this sounds great but the title says “Specific Person”….

  5. Ronelda says:

    Wow! Thats really powerful! Like my energy is flowing and its all positive…thanks to you…the visualization technique is very relaxing…i will recommend it…

  6. Angela says:

    I love this thank you.

  7. gem says:

    Does it really work???

  8. jimmy says:

    i am in love with a girl and we often meet at a public gathering. She’s my sister friend’s sister and i love her . I do the steps as what you say , but i don’t see any reaction from her. We know each other from 4 months but hardly talked each other . I really want her ,and i mean it too . I asked this same question on other websites too, but no one replied me . I hope a reply from you . Please do reply , i really need you please please please .
    thank you

  9. Meead says:

    If I need to attract a person I don’t know him but I need specific things on this man
    He loves me
    From such family
    Likes the sea
    Like to discover
    Educated and he need to improve
    Has position
    From different than my nationality
    A lot of things
    How I can attract? All this

  10. inna says:

    I read about law of attraction and visualization. I was dating this man, an anesthesiologist, handsome, intelligent, single, unsurpassed lover.He has everything a man can offer. I feel for him so deep. Until I have asked one day if we are going somewhere with it. There was no answer.
    I did practiced imagination and visualization of being with him, being married to him, having his child.
    I wanted him so much and didn’t notice that another man was in love with me all this time. Handsome, kind, loving, supportive, the one who tells me that his days brightness when he looks at me. Universe knows, it is not always what you wished for. but it the best; Everytime we go out with my guy people complementing us, stating that we are the most beautiful and the most happy couple they have seen in while.
    I still practice positive thoughts. But for those of your who suffers. It does work!

  11. Mary says:

    What if the other person is married now???

  12. Student Nurse says:

    Hey there I’ve read the book I’ve went through the internet reading about the law of attraction. I must say this really works I remember when I was going through a tough time I was attending high school at a fly by night school, I was the only that knew that the school wasn’t legit my dad seemed to like it I was DEVASTED I wanted to go to a private good school but it was middle of the year already so I couldn’t register nor convince my parents. the school I wanted to attend was quite expensive but I knew if I had to enroll there I’d better my chances of studying nursing.

    This one sunday morning I woke up no plan on how I’d get the hell outta that school and register at the pvt school, so I wrote a letter to God with all pictures of me being a nurse the desired school logo everything I wanted I went to the kitchen (with good thoughts me attending there and I could see myself at the desired school) I was happy with the thought n I knew then that I was going to enroll there, when I went back to my room I read the letter again then I dozed off. I got woken up by a call from a friend of mine from the school saying “did you hear? Grace is closing down and they are sending us to WRHS(my desired school) 🙂 Can you imagine!!!!! Believe Visualize Be happy and receive.

  13. admin says:

    Each time you have sex you form psyhic ties or chords with the other person. In others words its like invisible threads of communication that are formed. so its really important to cut psyhic ties with anyone you may have physical relations with by using the following prayer

    I call on the Holy Spirit/God/power you believe in
    to cut any and all psyhic ties between me and _________ (simply see what is it you see binding you to that person). then cut them with a sword by saying
    There psychic ties are now cut cut cut dissolved in the light of God….

  14. Bunny says:

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
    This is the beauty of the Universe. I’ve been with my heart full of desperation. I so want to get married with someone that will make me feel desired, since my relationship of 4 years has gone sour. Then four weeks ago I met a man that is just as I imagined physically and also so free spirited, my heart melts only in describe him. He had broke up with his fiancée in the end of the last year.. I keep wonder everyday to God why He put such a man in my life when I most need and why I cannot sto thinking about him. I’ve been begging for signals everyday. I don’t want that what I lived with that man was just for the moment. I want him to be my husband, I feel that he wants to be loved and I want to love him. But he never a swerved my email messages and then I got desperate. I let the desperation erase my believes in the wonders of the Universe. Now I will focus better in erase e desperation because I have a lot of desire for this man. I never felt like this before.

    Thank you! I do believe the Universe brought me to this article. And I know someday I will be back here and tell I got together with him.

  15. Arjun says:

    Hi, i just wanna say thank you.
    i have been in love for more than a year. and you know what the funny thing is-i ONLY ONCE SAW THE GIRL I LOVE ONCE ON TV and i applied this and now she and i hang out all the time……thanks a lot.

  16. baby says:

    Sent u a mail…looking for a quick reply…hope u wil help..thanks

  17. Joy Patterson says:

    Do you say the affirmation 1000 times everyday?

  18. Joy Patterson says:

    I’m sooo greatful that the universe helped me to find this website – I don’t believe in coincidences. Thank you with all my heart universe❤❤❤

  19. Raj says:

    i loves her so much.

  20. Morgen says:

    My ex of 4 years broke up with me and asked me to move out. I did beg, cry, and plead. Then I had started thinking positive and sent him an email saying sorry for my over contacting, he left me clues online that he was having happy thoughts about us. I had let go of the desperation and was happy until I had seen he did leave me to date this girl he lied to me about while he & I were together. I was broken hearted…but I’m still in love and will not contact him. I am sending him love vibes and remaining positive that he will be back and want to commit and marry me.

  21. Suekey says:

    Do you say 1000 “_______ loves me” daily? and all at one time? or do you say this over the course of the day?
    is there a clever creative way of keeping tally?

    or was 1000 an exaggeration?

    also, what are some tools to let go? Its easy to tell someone to “let go”, BUT how does one really let go? do you yell at your thoughts when you get sad, do you just always think of the good in that person?

    need some further instructions on going about this method.

    thanks for the post!


  22. behi says:

    i felt in love with a great guy 2years ago.our realationship was great &he loved me so much but after 1year everything was changed.he said he didnt love me and we are just friend.i was devastated and we brokeup..after our breakup i see him everywher: street”cinema..etc.i cant forget him because i love him so much.i dont know what to do?? keep on to get him back or give up??my heart say he loves me but i dont know what to do..plz help me..TNX

  23. Jim says:

    Very nice article. I have a question though. Can this happen with an old and dear friend? I lost him/her due to a long fight and because of i tend to have obsessive thought about something that disturbs me (the specific topic in that case). She told me that i have becoming gruelling and insecure. Since then she doesnt want to have any contact with me. Thank you.

  24. Jess says:

    For the one who asked how can you visualize if you dont remember his face? well for that I tell you to remember the feeling, the feeling he gave you is just as good as remembering how he looks. for that is energy you are putting out that and if your intentions are pure it will definitely be answered by the universe :)kind of like hugging someone and thinking of someone else, that energy is perfect for manifestation

  25. vicky says:

    Do I repeat the whole process over and over? Or just parts of the process?

  26. marjan says:

    I don’t know if its true or not but it makes me feel better.I lost a person who i love.we had a lots of struggle in our relationship and now it’s over.he didn’t want me and i feel bad about it..really bad:( do you think in can really help to attract that person?and he would come back to me again?!

  27. devika saxena says:


    actually its about this guy whom i met three months ago he was quite interested in me initially but after our physical relation which happened once he lost interest but i am still in love with him. i don’t have any wish being physical with him its just that i feel too much for him. how should i follow what u have mentioned.

  28. Gaurav says:

    Hello everyone,
    Just a small advice to all…for this wonderful article containing the amazing truth that it does…there are two simple things that must be followed (effortlessly) and summarized as :

    1. Let go !! Let go !! Let go !! release everything, unburden yourself (and the other person).
    2. Keep the desire (remember…its powerful and positive), cherish it, nurture it…and…RELEASE IT. Your work ends at that…now allow the universe to work its magic…because it will bring to you what is the best for you…really best for you…full of goodness and beauty that you could only imagine (sometimes may be not even imagine..in which case it’s beyond your imagination…lol)

    So, release yourself of all garbage, let the light of love fill you, shine through you…and peace and love flow through you…God Bless 🙂

  29. Cathy R. says:

    Wow thank you. So wonderful and so true. I feel so happy and good inside. When you open up to the Universe and let go of all attachements the Universe will bring you the happiness you have created and desire. You can virtually have ANYTHING you want if you desire it with all your powers.

  30. brendan says:

    will this work if the love is one sided

  31. brendan says:

    will this really work

  32. Believer says:

    Hello everybody,

    I just wanted to thank you all for sharing your stories. It’s a great motivation and also a big help for me ! Thank you !

  33. Lara says:

    There’s a cute guy at my school whom I’m in love for about 4 months and he once told me I was beautiful and sometimes smiled to me. Now recently I knew that he just got a girlfriend and I’m definitely following all these helpful tips to get him no matter what! Thank you so much for this wonderful guide, the best I’ve seen so far! 😉

  34. payal says:

    I have been in an awkward relationship for a few years. We were great together but then due to some reasons he feels he fell out of love, I think he is commitment phobic. I have done my share of miserable things. Anyways even though he has emotionally moved on, we h still are in a relationship, but he refuses to agree. We talk, we share, we met, we are intimate. So everything is there but when I confront him he says I can stop talking to him if I want but he won’t change his mind. I know it sounds like he’s a jerk n I have my nut loose but to be honest he is a wonderful person other than this mess.He is the love of my life. I cannot stop what we have going on, but need to work around it. Please help

  35. Tina says:

    This is amazing I totally agree…….it felt like you were discribing me there for a minute…..i am on this journey and i recently surrendered and let go…….and now i visualise him in love with me and we are very happy together…so so reaL. THANK YOU UNIVERSE……

  36. Meg says:

    I’m no expert … but regarding the “how do you know if it is working” question, I think that if you do the first step right you should have zero thought of the results/progress. If you do, you haven’t been able to let go of your desperation. Attachment to the results will repel love – not attract it.

  37. RW says:

    It’s about learning to love and appreciate yourself, and letting go of the neediness so you don’t overwhelm the person with your vibes. When you are positive,it would invoke feelings of happiness in the other person, and thus attracting him/her.

    All the best for everyone here! 🙂
    I’m working on mine too.
    Have faith!

  38. Tania says:

    Lovely write up..

  39. Veronica says:

    is it important to be in touch with that person while letting go or the communication needs to be completely stopped….???

    this guy had been giving me confusing signals since the time we started talking and then all of a sudden started resisting…Mine is a one sided relationship

    i had felt amazing to be with him and want to be with him for the rest of my life… please advice

  40. prerna says:

    wowwwww what a divine feeling…
    just after reading your blog..it got all the solutions i am very happy today …

  41. Karma says:

    Thank you! I am so greatful for this post! It is what I’ve been looking for. Powerful stuff. It cannot fail.

  42. Fred Culliver says:


  43. Jax says:

    I just want to say how much I loved reading your post and I completely agree.

    A quick story to prove this point. I was so desperate to get back with my ex from a while back but everyone, including myself thought that was impossible. I had almost given up when a friend of his casually mentioned to me that my ex had truly loved loved me at one time. This brief comment gave me so much happiness and a spark of hope. Once I started focusing on that happiness instead of focusing on how impossible the situation seemed everything started to turn around. Within a month were back together again after almost 4 years.

    Since then things have taken a turn for the worse again but now I really believe that the bad and the good was all due to my own thinking and I am working now on turning that back around.

  44. Buvi says:

    Yes..I believe this…it works now…I feel better.
    TRUE LOVE ALWAYS SUCCEED :):) just be positive with your thoughts and dream what you want at the end.the universe will do the rest!!!

  45. Buvi says:

    Ya!!its true really!!I can feel it!!

  46. Aarti says:

    How to start… and @Anwesha u said “U have to let go to let him/her come to u” can you please explain me what exactly i shouls do…
    Thnx in advance

  47. Mary says:

    How can I visualize,when I don’t remember his face?? PlZ help me

  48. Stacey fregoso says:

    How do I know it’s working?

  49. Stacey fregoso says:

    How do I know if it’s working?:)

  50. Mary says:

    How should I start?!

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