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Your biggest problem

Here is your chance to get the SOLUTION using LOA to the biggest challenge in your life, totally 100% custom made solution for you. So ponder over this and write back to us on info@brightmiracles.com What is your biggest problem? What is that biggest issue in your life that you want to solve? What is you want in life that will make you life more meaningful and better?

1-1 Coaching

I wish when I started I had someone like this. I won't have had to go through countless books, recordings and trials and errors. Trust me there is nothing like a Live Mentor who can guide you through the process of LOA and manifesting. To avail of 1-1 coaching you could simply log onto Mentor Coaching OR you could email info@brightmiracles.com

Experiences of others

"I can not thank you enough for the coaching session this morning. I was in a really bad state of desperation and attachment and within the one hour, you were able to help me refocus on what it is I wanted in order to manifest that. Thank you so much. I will definitely be signing up for the coaching subscription." Stephanie, USA Read what others are saying

baby elephant

When an elephant is still a calf, his leg is tied with a chain to a wooden peg. As a calf that chain is enough to keep him from running away.  Funny it may sound but when the elephant grows up that small chain and wooden peg still keep him from running away. All it would take it a little pull from the Might of the Now Grown up Elephant, yet that psychological barrier keeps him from attempting to break the chain because as calf he wasn’t able to do it so he is programmed to believe he cannot break it.
The Elephant Believes he cannot break that chain.  Yet it is evident to even to a child that All it would take is a little pull from the Now Mighty Elephant and that chain and wooden peg would be broken, in tatters literally.
We humans are similar. Belief i.e. information we picked up as kids, growing up and even now,  tie us down not letting us have the life we want.


The Source of Beliefs
Family, friends, school, TV, movies, books……
Consider this translated version a super hit song  with really good music
You are my life
Without you who am I 
My life ends if you ever leave
My identity is Only you and you and you
You are my love, I owe everything to you”
The music of this particular song is really good so the conscious barriers are down and listening to it this song you will probably be humming it over and over again.  Now imagine the Havoc Programming this kind of information does for your mind.


1. You are not only giving up your power but making someone as human as you The Source of your Power.
This person also gets pimples, shits, has good or bad days, is as human as you.  
2. You are becoming needy for love
3.  The music of this song is so cool that you hum is over and over again (its like Negative Affirmations to yourself) so its like saying “I suck, i suck i suck i suck….”
Now think about how many poets, writers, ads, movies have literally romanticized Pain, Grief, Longing and you have been a fan of them.
Imagine the Havoc Programming it has done to your mind.
Notice the kind of Beliefs are getting formed about love from the above song
1.  I am not worthy
2.  My worth comes from my lover
3.  My life has no meaning
4.  There is not enough love
5.  Good lovers are scarce
longingGuess what? With those kind of beliefs you are going to create experiences
1. Unworthiness  – so your relationships will be ones in which you will be feel unworthy or will be made to be feel unworthy
2. Giving up power – All your power will come from your lover. So if s/he decides to leave you, it will seem like there is nothing in your own life
3.  Experiences where life will seem meaningless
4.  You will create experiences where good lovers will be a scarce commodity
5. You will literally be Craving for love but getting not much of it


The Good News is Beliefs can be changed
Beliefs are nothing but information. They are Neither True nor False. They are SIMPLY what you want them to be. So if you have a Belief that “Good men are few”  you subconscious mind is simply the approver of that and will keep gathering EVIDENCE why “Good men are few”.  At the end of couple of years you could have entire encyclopedias of EVIDENCE on why good men are few.  Your experiences of life would reflect that.
loving coupleOn the other end if you have a BELIEF “I am always loved”  or “There are enough  lovers in the world” you subconscious mind being the approver of whatever you say would simply keep throwing up EVIDENCE on why it is true and your experiences will be of a life filled with love.

In terms of life’s experiences no matter what happens you would always have the Most awesome lovers and your life would be one filled with love notwithstanding what you look like, whether you are 200 pounds or 100 pounds simply because deep down the BELIEF in you is ” am always loved”   “there are enough lovers in the world”  is like the Passport to your Love Heaven

Next topic
How do you change a BELIEF?
The process is really simple and I will teach you simple ways to change a belief.
Also how do STOP negative programming from the media?

If you are interested in 1-1 Coaching click here


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