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Your biggest problem

Here is your chance to get the SOLUTION using LOA to the biggest challenge in your life, totally 100% custom made solution for you. So ponder over this and write back to us on info@brightmiracles.com What is your biggest problem? What is that biggest issue in your life that you want to solve? What is you want in life that will make you life more meaningful and better?

1-1 Coaching

I wish when I started I had someone like this. I won't have had to go through countless books, recordings and trials and errors. Trust me there is nothing like a Live Mentor who can guide you through the process of LOA and manifesting. To avail of 1-1 coaching you could simply log onto Mentor Coaching OR you could email info@brightmiracles.com

Experiences of others

"I can not thank you enough for the coaching session this morning. I was in a really bad state of desperation and attachment and within the one hour, you were able to help me refocus on what it is I wanted in order to manifest that. Thank you so much. I will definitely be signing up for the coaching subscription." Stephanie, USA Read what others are saying

Contentment is a paradigm, a habit that can be cultivated now. No money, romance, sex, partner etc is required for that. A person who has this “contentment habit” will always be content, no matter what’s showing up in life.  This is one of the secrets of creation or manifestation.

The language of contentment is Gratitude. As Deepak Chopra said “Gratitude is the language of the heart”. Let me go a step further and amplify it “Gratitude is the language of miracles.”  If you are having a tough time manifesting its time to change your language to Gratitude language.  Here are some ways of doing it


the power of gratitude1. The Language of Heart is Simple Gratitude

Gratitude is not the language of the mind.  The mind works on duality.  Good-bad, high-low, inside-outside.  Wholeness is something which mind doesn’t understand.  So understand this Gratitude is not something mind understands. Gratitude is the language of the Heart.


2.  Fish are in water…Gratitude is in the Heart

While giving Gratitude always and always focus on your heart center.  The mind may play its own movie on why this isn’t important or what’s the big deal?   Every breath is a big deal.  Every movement of the body is a big deal.  Ask a handicapped person what movement of body means and you will understand its true value.  So this moment there are millions of blessings to be grateful for.  Thank You


3.   The Gratitude Switch

If you are not being grateful or are having a tough time its time to focus on the heart and atleast mechanically start the Gratitude process by saying 2 simple words “Thank you” to your heart.  That process will get you started.  How to Give Gratitude? Simply by focusing on your heart and saying the magic words “Thank You?


4.   Gratitude Games

Start playing Gratitude Games…. Today say “Thank you” 300 times maybe.  Tomorrow take it 500.  A week later maybe its 10,000

5.   Make Gratitude a Conscious Choice

Your mind may not choose gratitude so YOU WILL HAVE TO CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE GRATITUDE CONSCIOUSLY for atleast 21 days to make Contentment a Habit in your life.  After a month or so this will seem default as if you have always been filled with gratitude always.  Remember there is no default in life. Everything is design once. So this new design of gratitude will become Default Habit after few days


6. Simply shed the judgement and choose Gratitude for whatever you created and manifested

 There is always something to be Thankful for….even if its a doodle creation you made or manifested in your life which you don’t like or hate.  That very fact you can make that doodle by taking responsibility for your creation also means you CAN CREATE THE MASTERPIECE OR MANIFEST WHATEVER YOU CHOOSE.   Thank you…Thank you… Thank you…   


THANK YOU for reading.





Categories: Inspiration

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