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Your biggest problem

Here is your chance to get the SOLUTION using LOA to the biggest challenge in your life, totally 100% custom made solution for you. So ponder over this and write back to us on info@brightmiracles.com What is your biggest problem? What is that biggest issue in your life that you want to solve? What is you want in life that will make you life more meaningful and better?

1-1 Coaching

I wish when I started I had someone like this. I won't have had to go through countless books, recordings and trials and errors. Trust me there is nothing like a Live Mentor who can guide you through the process of LOA and manifesting. To avail of 1-1 coaching you could simply log onto Mentor Coaching OR you could email info@brightmiracles.com

Experiences of others

"I can not thank you enough for the coaching session this morning. I was in a really bad state of desperation and attachment and within the one hour, you were able to help me refocus on what it is I wanted in order to manifest that. Thank you so much. I will definitely be signing up for the coaching subscription." Stephanie, USA Read what others are saying


Our lives are lived “inside out” yet most people end up chasing up the outside pictures. It’s a futile exercise. To validate this think of your own life. Whatever has happened in your life doesn’t even exist now, it is only a memory in the mind. Like data in a hard disc   Good memories most people don’t even remember yet the ones that suck drain your power. They don’t even exist now. The future yet to be seen. The Power is in the Present Moment.  NOW has Power.

The Power of Now
Now has power. Now is your trump card. CHOICE of choosing now is your trump card. You have a choice to take control over your thoughts and emotions. You are NOT your thoughts, nor those emotions.  To validate this. One moment you are angry another moment you are happy, another moment you are fulfilled another moment you are unfulfilled.  You say “I am angry” “I am happy” I am fulfilled” I am unfulfilled”. How can you be all of those feelings?  So next time you are angry just know it is only a feeling, another one will come and you can choose your inner response instead or those pre-programed responses you picked up consciously or  unconsciously.

Remember this a Feeling is only a feeling. It will go away and another one will come.  Suppose your partner has a certain feeling towards you which isn’t great, remember it is ONLY a feeling. It will go away and another one will come. Don’t bank on feelings. They are not are permanent.   A far better idea IS TO INVEST IN YOURSELF, BY
MAKING YOURSELF A SUPERHERO in your mind.  A bright radiant shining sun who is totally happy, fulfilled and just shares his/her radiance with others.  Relationships are an excuse to share his love with others. Work is an excuse to share love with others.

Inner Heaven
Make your inner world heaven and see the heaven outside.  The more you have your “inner world” in order the better experiences show up in life. “The Kingdom of Heaven is within” says a verse from the Bible.

Try this small experiment. Take a deep breath…  think of how you would feel if you $10 million dollars in your bank account. What is it you would see? What would you bank account look like? What car would you be driving? What kind of a house you would have? Where would you travel?
Notice the feelings arising in your chest area.  Notice those feelings in detail. Those feelings are e-motions i.e. energy in motion. Everything is energy. Even the car, money, relationships anything outside is energy in different forms.

Now did you notice you don’t have the $10 million outside yet you were able to feel the energy inside you even now. Ask yourself “Why the heck was I postponing that feeling for a million dollars?”
Notice the power you have is within you.  Think abundance and you are abundant because the Law of Attraction is responding to your energy. Think of good relationships and have great relationships.  Later you will learn about power morphic fields on earth. Just as good relationships is a powerful morphic field fueled by the energy of millions of people similarly “bad relationships” also has a power morphic field fueled by millions on earth.  So disconnect yourself from morphic fields that do not work to good morphic fields.

Creation of your inner heaven
Let your imagination have no limits. Remember what Einstein said “Imagination  is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”  For someone in 17th century a cell phone would be a crazy idea. Yet it exists.  Let the imagination have no limits.
Use your senses in detail to create your inner vision.  Sounds you would like, pictures you like to see. Take your paintbrush in your mind and paint your world. There are no limitations except the ones you impose. Celebrate in your inner world, be the person you want to be in your inner world. Be the charmer, be the abundance you seek outside, be the love you seek from others, be the beauty you seek outside.

Categories: Inspiration

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