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1-1 Coaching

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Experiences of others

"I can not thank you enough for the coaching session this morning. I was in a really bad state of desperation and attachment and within the one hour, you were able to help me refocus on what it is I wanted in order to manifest that. Thank you so much. I will definitely be signing up for the coaching subscription." Stephanie, USA Read what others are saying

How to attract a Specific Person?

One of the most often asked questions is “Can you attract a specific person using the law of attraction?” The good news is Yes you can absolutely attract a specific person in your life in a relationship you choose and with success.

Love is the most important emotion of all in this entire universe. When it comes to money, jobs, and so many other things people don’t really have that much difficulty in manifesting. In matters of the heart if you don’t get what you want the pain is maximum. The one you love, that specific person, is the most important person for you, and even the entire world cannot substitute for that person. Now I have absolutely great news for you today. Yes, you can attract that specific person you are in love with. So today allow yourself to be absolutely elated and just follow the procedure below.

Desire and Desperation – You need to let go of the desperation

While desire is a sacred energy, an energy of creation, desperation is just the opposite, a destructive energy. When desire is unfulfilled the void is taken over by desperation. While desire is a pure and good energy, desperation is a powerful negative energy. Desire creates those vibes in you to attract, desperation creates just the opposite vibes, to repel. When you fell in love with that special person, the sacred seed of desire was sown in you. Due to whatever reasons when that desire was unfulfilled desperation crept in. So the first step is remove that desperation. Clear all desperation. how do I love myself


How to clear desperation?

The easiest way to clear desperation is to let go. Surrender to the light of divine love of the Universe. Imagine a beautiful light of divine love, a pure radiant love light. Just surrender to that beautiful sparkling light. That light created you, gave you everything that you possess, and that light simply loves you, no matter what you have done so far. That light is forgiving, 100% pure love and powerful enough to create a beautiful reality beyond your wildest imagination. When you fell in love that light was silently telling you what to do, only if you listened. So let go of everything, surrender and start anew. Today submit yourself to that divine light and affirm to yourself you let go, you surrender and you allow that Divine Light to create a bright future, a bright love life for you. You accept the divine will because the divine will make your life far happier than you can imagine.

Once you do this you let go of any attachment to the result. Now the fun part begins.

Creating a beautiful love life

Once you have let go of any attachment to that person, you have given a very powerful and strong signal to the Universe you are now ready for love in your life. If previously your love was one sided now it’s time to create a both sided relationship. You are a super hero in your theater of the mind. Your movie is in your mind and your movie creates your reality. You have 100% control over your imagination and use this wisely to create a reality of your choice.

Now now simply imagine your loved one in love with you. Earlier you were one the one in love now imagine your lover is the one in love with you. “Your loved one loves you”, your desire is fulfilled. How does it feel? Say to yourself as an affirmation 1000’s of times “_______ loves me” See what happens in the next 5-7 days. See the shift in energy. Notice how you would feel. Visualize your lover is in love with you. Keep a tab on the feelings. How does it feel? Go lucid in your mind as you make love to your lover. How does it feel?

If you do the above stop properly you will realize and laugh at yourself, what was I so desperate for? And once you have done it well, your world opens up. You feel more powerful. If you do this properly you will feel like a winner and your world of choices opens you. You will definitely wonder what the big deal about this person that I was putting so much energy on? Why didn’t I just let go before?

Sending Love

While the above techniques were to get you out of your pit of desperate feelings and make you feel like a winner so that positive thoughts and feelings came and made you realize whether you wanted that person because of love or because you wanted to satisfy your ego. In many cases the desperation to get back isn’t because of love but because of a sense of conquest. So now you know in your heart whether you truly love the other person or not. If its love go forward else just allow the Universe to deliver the best vibrational match for you.

Now this is a very important step for those in love

Love – the power behind creation

Understand this. Love is THE most powerful energy in the Universe. With love you can create anything, win anyone’s heart, mind and soul. Every day for at least 10 minutes sit down and send loving thoughts to your loved one. Imagine you already have a relationship with her. Your lover loves you completely. Now what kind of loving thoughts would you send to your lover.

Imagine a pink ball of energy in between your hands in which you see you already have the relationship of your choice. In this ball you can see you and your lover. This ball can only contain pure and good love energy. Note the words, the thoughts, the kind of relationship you both have in this ball. Now let go of the pink ball. Let it flow away in the Universe.

Let go of any attachment. And if you do it right there will be no attachment now because you are already in a field where you can FEEL the feelings of the relationship and loving your lover. In case there are any doubts Affirm to yourself, “I surrender to my divine light”. “I only have love and gratitude for my divine light”.

Remember this very clearly Intention Manifestation can ONLY and ONLY happen when the feelings vibrational level is high. Desperation is like a deep well, it has a -ve vibration. Love and Gratitude have the highest vibration.

If you do this right your emotions at this point of time should be:

1. zero desperation. You will wonder where it has disappeared?

2. extremely happy because you have created a beautiful relationship and seen and felt it so vividly

3. a perfect happy relationship between you and the Universe where you only and only have Thank You’s for the Universe.

Your perfect relationship will manifest in all certainty. 60,000 thoughts a day is your thought karma. If Love and Gratitude is even in 80% of this thought karma you cannot imagine what a beautiful relationship you will create, far beyond your imagination.

Follow what works
One person’s fantasy is another person’s reality. Have you seen a friend or someone you know fall in love with someone and get that person? Were they desperate and needy? Did they have an attitude of a victim that “nothing works for me” or “everything simply works for me just fine”. The attitude you have in a relationship defines the altitude of your relationship. Have an attitude “You are simply the BEST CHOICE anyone can have”. It’s simply an attitude and YOU CAN CHOOSE THAT ATTITUDE THIS MOMENT.

Stop Loading Yourself with Demands
One of the best ways to experience THE MOST AWESOME DYNAMICS IN A RELATIONSHIP is Simply by Loving Yourself. That simple! Loving Yourself works. The Best high is Love. When you love yourself, you will allow yourself to experience awesomeness. You won’t DENY YOURSELF all that you seek. When you load yourself with demands that so and so person HAS to love you in order to you to be happy, you are stressing yourself. You are going against the flow of Universe, in a vibration of dis-trust in the very source that is your provider. You have set conditions that so and so person has love to you in order for you to love yourself. You are doing just the opposite of what you truly want. It’s like you want gold but are filling yourself with garbage thoughts. Whereas Simply Loving Yourself, telling yourself you are doing well, and everything will work just as fine eases the burden you are placing on yourself. You could try it for yourself and see how much ease it makes you feel almost instantly. Choose LOVE MYSELF FIRST as a motto. You can read more on A Course in Loving Yourself here.


Categories: Inspiration

149 Responses so far.

  1. lama says:

    hi , i really want to say thank you for that’s lovely article , i did almost every thing u said and now i lost the needing feeling am not even paying attention to the guy its like he is not even exist , i stop thinking of him and just living normally like i never liked him , what i add on this is i draw some art for both of us together ,laughing and hugging and all that things , and now i don’t know , i don’t even feel jealous about him being with someone else , all i care about is his happiness , if its with me or with someone else all whats matter is his happiness and am totally glad and happy that way , is it ok to feel that way ?!!

  2. marion says:

    what happen if you do not know anyone yet .. but you like certain type of man ….i it possible to attract that man of your own imagination….?

  3. Anwesha says:

    Hi everyone… Its needless to say that my situation is exactly same as described, my love too is one sided… its difficult to let go of the desperation but u can do it. I have successfully done that. For that u have to do some meditation let urself calm down forget the world just feel the universal energy flow through u. It truely helps to cal ur mind and soul. U have to let go to let him/her come to u. Love cannot be bound. Let love flow and u will see that it comes back to u. I am doing exactly as described above even before reading the article. After reading it just confirmed my beliefs. U cant be taught to let go. U just have to believe. Believe in urself and the powers of the divine universe. I am a healer and so long i have healed others its now time to heal myself and attract the person i love into my life. Whenever in doubt just close ur eyes calm ur mind and think how happy he/she makes u feel. All the doubts will evaporate and u will be left feeling pure joy and peace. Ans yes keep up the affirmations they work 100% All the Best to All lovers and myself 🙂

  4. Noelle says:

    Wow this works wonders! I did it last night and the next day the one I like asked me out!! Maybe it was a coincidence but I think not! Thanks so much for the advice I am in awe that it worked, never underestimate the power you have within yourself!

  5. ESP says:

    I’ve read this article probably 50 times over the last 2 years on several websites. I was very desperate when I read this article so there was no chance what I was doing could work. Actaully after everything that happened I’m still to numb for it to work. But surviving a breakup even if all that was broken was a friendship would have been impossible if I hadn’t read this article 2 years ago.

    SO even if attracting him back never happens thanks for helping me survive my loss

  6. Julio Kinner says:

    This particular actually clarified my own problem, thanks!

  7. sometimesweknow says:

    One of the greatest relationship articles on the internet. Period.

  8. Mariana says:

    Hey guys!!!! I have a question…I have started doing the things above in order to attract the man I love,but every night I am thinking of him and me together..you know i create pictures in my mind with me and him…is this good? or I have to stop this? 😛 thank youu in advance !!!

  9. Angie says:

    Btw, can I say like, i will be in a relationship with him within a month? Can I set a time?

  10. Angie says:

    How do I let go yet feel the love from that person?? Can anyone share, plz??

  11. purelove says:

    wow very interesting, I love it!

    what happens when we ar ein love with someone who’s already taken/married?

    I often think that we dont belong to anyone, that just because you were there after that person, doesnt mean you cant try your chance with that person but when they are married or have kids, it’s harder.. you wonder.. and still my love is pure.. love that person to bits.

  12. Believer says:

    I meet a guy a few weeks back and I am using this guide to help me. I believe that he is the one and I follow it through with him in mind but I have also detached myself from him by being at peace if he isn’t him that ends up being the one I’ll be ok. So far it is working and I hear from him when I do my affirmations. It is when the desperation comes back in that I feel him distancing himself from me. This is when I go back to a positive place and detach. As soon as I detach again, I hear from him. Coincidence maybe…but I am a believer thus far.

  13. Tarryn says:

    @Cole: Hi Cole! I have an answer for you. My friend attracted her husband. When they met, he had been in a relationship, but was not happy. Then she went back to her country although they were inlove. They kept in touch, and he later married his girlfriend because of tradition etc- he thought he was doing the right thing. She felt however deep in her heart he was the one. She continued to pray and to believe that God will resolve the situation. After 1 year and a few months of an unhappy marriage he divorced his wife and married her immediately. They are now happily married with a twoo year old. So yes..you can have the ideal relationship with that person. Hope this message doesn’t come too late.

  14. PMW says:

    @Kari: Kari, can you elaborate a litle on how it worked for you? This forces you to have a strong sense of FAITH which is what I often struggle with. I start out strong in faith and then somehow I tend to give up or have this tap dance back & forth. I think this way of thinking is definately is what I need to not only attract my friend back but to change my entire life. Please share more concrete advice! Please…this sista is in need of some positive reinforcement!

  15. PMW says:

    @Rex: OMG! Rex what you describe is exactly my current situation. I feel I was led to this website today to confirm that there is still hope for my one-sided friendship right now. I know he likes me but he keeps me at a distance and will only let me get so close. I will definately try what is outlined in this posting and take your specific advice regarding the affirmations. I truly do belive that affirmations work and truly believe that this man is my husband. Thank-you so much and feel free to expand on some other things that worked to attract the love of your life back to you.

  16. Faith says:

    @Kari: Can I ask how long it took? And how did you dobit.

  17. Faith says:

    I struggling with the letting go of desperation. I want this to work for me.

  18. sujit says:

    hey rex,how many days it took to manifest bro?and how many times you visualised in a day../please help buddy..i’m also in same situation..i’m one sided..please help……….

  19. Nieekx says:

    hi everyone….
    the article is fabulous. I have a question: is it enough to think “xxx loves me”? I have just started, and I feel extremely happy because of that, but is it enough to attract that specific person? 😀

  20. I’m using all the powers in the universe to get the girl I love. But she’s taken but it doesn’t feel right in the universe. But I just have to keep on listening to the mp3s, sending her love and manifesting my wish and staying on that good timeline til I have her. She’s just so unique and special there is no other fish in this sea.

  21. C says:

    Will this work incase of getting my boyfriend back??
    We had a fight 16 days ago and stopped talking..I dont even know if he has broken off with me..I dont want to contact him first because i did it before and he just takes me for granted. I love him alot. Can i use the above to get back to him??

  22. charmain says:

    Nice article.Needed most by me at this moment.Will try it.
    Just had a fight with my guy 15 days back and from then on he has not contacted me at all :(. Can i use this for conversations to start?? I dont even know if he has broken off with me?? 🙁

  23. suvidha says:

    Loved it.. thank you soo much 🙂

  24. Brian Ruckle says:

    I’ve read a lot of great things on this blog. Some of the material provide here is just great, keep putting it out!

  25. A large percentage of of whatever you articulate happens to be supprisingly accurate and that makes me ponder why I hadn’t looked at this with this light previously. This particular piece really did turn the light on for me personally as far as this particular issue goes. Nevertheless at this time there is just one issue I am not necessarily too cozy with so while I try to reconcile that with the main theme of the position, permit me see just what the rest of your visitors have to say.Nicely done.

  26. RJ says:

    To, Author
    thank you

    To , Nikki
    It means to let go of attachment to the person and get attached to Universe ( light , God , creator….)

  27. RJ says:

    I did it… She is my wife now ….<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

  28. Nikki says:

    I love the idea of this, but I’m confused on how to let go of attachment to the end result while also believing that the person I want is already in love with me. If the result that I want to manifest is that this person is in love with me, then how I can I not be attached to the end result where I would be with this particular person? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated

  29. Charlie says:

    I’ve read that it really does work! Can someone verify that from experience? It sounds interesting and surely it could not hurt! 🙂

  30. ashley says:

    very nice….exactly what I was looking for!!! Looks like I have some work to do 🙂

  31. Ron says:

    How to “Let go” or surrender????

  32. Rex says:

    Hey friends…
    I got some proof that attracting a specific person is possible..1st I my own experience 2nd is in the book “Power of your subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy” in one of the pages it is clearly given about “Absent treatment” in which it is written that there is no space or time in world of subconscious mind…he also practically proved it that we can change someones mental pattern by affirmations therefore it is possible to someone in love with you..:) (sorry if there’s grammatical mistake or I have written it wrong way)

  33. Rex says:

    Hey friends..
    This thing really works….I loved a girl ..it was 1 sided..I used the above method …and now she loves me too….
    I used “xxx loves me” and I also used “XXX is my wife”
    Even better I used it on Subliminal messages ( you can download this from internet basically free)…Its really amazing…
    I just wanted to ask you guyzz…I want to build a strong faith on this “Universe”..you know sometimes doubt just comes..does any one of you have a good affirmation to build a strong faith…?

  34. William says:

    This works!!! try it, i really does

  35. Kari says:

    I did this! And it worked! I’m soo happy! Have faith, and NEVER give up, this is a LAW and it works EVERY SINGLE time if done properly..:D

  36. Jayanthi says:

    Excellent..i will try my level best to be positive as well as try this method to contact my love mentally.

  37. Ruthie says:

    I LOVE this article and I have printed it out so I can read it when I feel doubt creeping in. It is hard to remain positive when you no longer have contact with the person you love so you don’t see any physical evidence that it’s working. I know that’s the whole point, to have faith in the unseen but…… I will keep trying, thank you! x x x

  38. Mark says:

    Please help me with winning my love back of my life, i have lost in april 2010.
    I am trying so hard but everytime i think of her and me together i get nerves.
    What can I do to do it right?
    Please help me

  39. Cole says:

    Hi Bright Miracles!

    What if this person happens to be involved with someone else? Aka is married in an unsatisfying relationship? Do blocks like this damper a situation or the likelihood of attracting the ideal relationship with that person?

    Thank you!! 🙂

  40. Lorriemarie says:

    Has anyone tried this? If so, how did it work?

  41. Just what I have been thinking. Your writing was on the spot. To get your ex back is not the hardest of the jobs But it for sure can take some time

  42. I had to read your post three times to get the full impact of it. I appreciate reading what you have to say. It’s too bad that more people do not comprehend the benefits of coaching. Keep up the good work.

  43. Yashraj says:

    WoW!!! this article has provided exactly the thing I required… Am at the height of happiness at this moment.. Whoa!! Feels so wonderful…

  44. Träumer says:

    that’s amazing,just thinking about all the things that we can do together and about the perfect world that we’ll creat makes me feel happy,even though ppl think that is crazy and impossible is impossible i dont care about that now,cuz i know what i want and soon or later i’ll get it

    thank you 🙂

  45. Kylie says:

    This is awesome, I truly appreciate what you have written and you have explained well in how to ‘let go’ and allow the Universe develop what may come forth into my life and other people

  46. lily says:

    i have to say, i love you!!! hehe, no many people think that u can do this, i’ve always believed this, but the people told me no, impossible, and things like that

    i’ll do this, it’s exactly like you said “The one you love, that specific person, is the most important person for you, and even the entire world cannot substitute for that person”… I love him, I have never felt soo happy just feeling something!! I thought I couldn’t feel a soo pure thing like this =)

    thanks for your help!

  47. Kylie says:

    Thank you so much, I enjoyed reading your blog 😀

  48. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Maria del R Soto and Egerli Adamson, Bright Miracles. Bright Miracles said: Yes, You can Attract a Specific Person in Your Life http://bit.ly/59FKvp […]

  49. Lorraine says:

    Wonderful visualization and alternate perspective.

    Thank you for sharing this LOA manifestation.

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